
Updated: Mirror Mirror Salon! And then some...

I'm sure you are wondering why I haven't posted anything in a while. This is due to the nature of my classes this term. Lots of drawing, web design and art history. Happily, I finished my website, and then some, for my web design class.

For web design, I decided to re-do the Mirror Mirror Salon Website. You can read about my previous experience with it here. This time I used dreamweaver and css. Soooo, much better! 

You can visit Mirror Mirror Salon's NEW website here.

Next, order of business. While working on the Mirror Mirror Salon website, I am in the process of working on Ken's (my bf's) company website.  Please keep in mind it is in the very early stages but at least you can get an idea! 

You can visit Venom Games' website here.