

New website: www.jessicatate.com
New blog: www.jessicatate.com/blog


(I won't be using this anymore.)


Portfolio Project #5

This is a logo I'm working on for a landscape company. I am also using it in my portfolio. It has a business card, letterhead, an envelope etc.

Portfolio Project #4

This is a brochure spread for Portland Center Stage's winter season. It is updated from here and here.

Portfolio Project #3

This is a book cover for Ian Flemings Casino Royale. The wood that you see is a baccarat paddle. It is used in a British poker game. This an update from this post.

Portfolio Project #2

These are three options for a website design for Mirror Mirror Salon. Yes, this is in fact not the real website salon because well, that design got shot down. So, I decided to start over. And eventually, I do plan to update Mirror Mirror.

*All the images are provided by Getty

Portfolio Project #1

This project is a band poster for Jason Mraz. It has been updated from this post. This poster also includes a ticket, a t-shirt, a pass etc. However, I still have a lot changes to make. This is just the beginning.


a real website.

What a real website you say? Yessum! It's under construction but it will soon be my official portfolio site.
